RtI Tier 3 for Articulation (Readers Comments)

February 24, 2018 12:00 am Published by

I asked for RTI comments from you and got a variety. Here they are:

I use Rti for articulation when a student is referred with a single sound error and is responsive to placement during screening. I usually treat for 8 weeks one time a week, adding them into an existing group or starting a new slot when available. I have had success with this model (sometime an extension on 8 weeks to 12 or 16 weeks), where the student remediates the articulation without entering special education. …

In my district we are not allowed to see kids at the elementary level unless that are on an IEP…

I have been doing RtI with articulation and phonology kids for the past 15 years. Up until 2 years ago, I used real words, but after taking the SATPAC training, I switched to your method. I typically put kindergarteners and first graders into RtI and see them for 5 minutes up to 4 times a week with the help of my speech assistant. I’ve had great results for k,g, l and s blends (errors are corrected within a semester, some in one quarter…

I reluctantly started providing RtI last year for students with artic errors who did not or would not qualify, but clearly needed help. I actually see the kids before school even starts. Parents and teachers agreed that they would walk in the door and come straight to my room for literally 5 minutes, 1-2 times per week. I have been truly amazed with the results! It has been especially effective for the younger students and I can’t believe how quickly change began to occur. I know I am keeping them out of special education and supporting reading development in the process…

What happened to the need for an evaluation prior to starting speech therapy with a background history, standardized test, oral motor exam, hearing screening? Why are children qualified for RTI speech therapy with only a screening, and then calling it “informal” speech therapy? Aren’t we taking away the professionalism of our field when we do this? …
I believe that RTI was developed to cut down on special education expenses, which were deemed to be too high. Now speech therapist have 8-10 children added to their caseloads, which they do not get credit for, on top of already high numbers. So this is the norm we have come to accept, basically increased work to cut down on costs at the federal and state levels. If one is writing goals and keeping data, it takes up just as much time as if they were on caseload…For me, RTI for speech therapy denigrates our profession.

Stephen Sacks

Upcoming workshops: April 13 in Elk Grove, CA and April 27-28 in So. Cal. Details at https://satpac.com/sacks-workshops/

I will be doing a 2-day workshop in Germany in October and there are some other tentative workshops set up in the next several months.

Because I want SLPs from all over to use and understand my program, I have a .6 CEU ASHA webinar that is basically the same as my live presentations. Go to the SATPAC website for details. Here is the link: https://satpac.com/workshops/webinar

Looking for professional development for your school district or organization? Contact me steve@satpac.com for details.