Free 3-Hour Online Course for ASHA CEUs
Welcome to the new improved version of this 3-hour presentation (which is available for .3 ASHA CEUs).
The handout, quiz, quiz answer form and the ASHA Participant form are available at this link:
Some general notes: At the end of the presentation, there is a 20-question quiz. You need 80% (or 16/20 to pass). If you don’t pass, I will contact you and notify you of which questions you missed and give you the opportunity to correct them. My purpose is not to flunk you but to have you learn the material so watch the presentation, enjoy it and learn some new ideas and techniques!
Please scan the answer sheet, ASHA CEU Form (if you want ASHA CEUs) and email them to me at [email protected]. I will submit them for you at the end of the month).
If you plan to take any more free CEU courses from SATPAC Speech, please contact me first, [email protected].